French Branch Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes


Date: March 24, 2005

Time: __7pm______________

Location: _Grace Memorial Baptist Church


Officers Presiding: Robert Broome-President, Gewel Beard-Secretary, Darlene Brennan- Treasurer


Homeowners Present: 23 (see attached attendance sheet) (sheet does not include officers) also present were 5 staff members from the Parrish and Bill Houston from the Quail Ridge Homeowners Association. Parish Councilman Joe Thomas was also present.


Agenda for meeting as follows (see attached sheet)


Call to Order: Robert Broome called the meeting to order. Started with Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.


Copies of last meeting minutes were distributed but no motion for approval, also treasurer report was not read at this meeting. (Copy of treasurer report in secretarie’s file)

Special guest speakers from the Parrish were Bill Oiler and Jean (John) Thibodaux to discuss the proposed Park N Ride for Military and Rue Esplanade.

Bill Oiler gave thorough discussion on when the land was purchased and when funding came available. He then discussed the potential size of the Park n Ride and the reason this area was selected and explained about other Park N Rides in St. Tammany.

The land was purchased with Federal Transportation Funds and if the Park N Ride is not developed here then the funds have to be returned. In order to raise the funds for this the property will be sold.

The plans for the Park and Ride are open to modification. The Parrish will go with whatever decision FB people decide. If the residents absolutely do not want a Park n Ride then the Parrish will sell the property.

Jean Thibodaux went over the design of the Park N Ride and had a visual aid (a computer traffic model) to show traffic flow, etc.  Gave a summary of the plan.

Then Bill and Jean answered some questions from the homeowners. Bill Houston took the floor for a lengthy discussion; FB resident Lloyd Breslau had a long on-going discussion. Robert tried to get some order and ask that other people be allowed to speak.  Dave Graveson asks could we take a poll of people there. 22 out of 23 people do not want the Park N Ride.

Rick Williamson discussed drainage and traffic problems. Linda Bowdish spoke up and stated that it appears that the homeowners just do not want the Park N Ride. Debbie Foster thanks the Parrish people for coming and listening to the homeowners.


Bill Oiler stated that they would stop working on having a Park n Ride. Parrish reps left the meeting at this time.


Continue with agenda.

  1. Lighting District 5- Coach Thomas spoke briefly explaining the milage. There is money for lights for any area in FB needed. The idea is to lower milage within reason but we need a projection of power increase charges for the future so we don’t lower milage too much. Debbie Foster said it would be worthwhile to discuss with effected homeowners before we install any light poles on/near someone’s property.
  2. Robert requested a volunteer to work on committee to research reducing milage. Linda Bowdish volunteered. Joe Thomas said if anyone has any questions or concerns about anything they could call Kevin Davis office- 898-2700 or Joe Thomas at home- 649-0549.
  3. Sign Maintenance- still trying to find someone. Bill Houston will call and give Robert the number for the person that does yard maintenance at Quail Ridge.
  4. Membership Drive- briefly asked for support for the association by everyone paying the dues. Art Bell suggested the Welcome Committee discuss this when they take welcome packages to newcomers to the neighborhood.
  5. Solid Waste- Robert discussed plans for this in the Parrish. The Parrish is in the process of dividing the Parrish into solid waste districts, using one company to handle all.
  6. ARC- Robert briefly mentioned what activities are being undertaken by the ARC. There are now four concerns in FB being addressed and the ARC will be making phone calls and sending letters as needed.
  7. Yard Sale- Community Yard Sale- there were some homeowners who liked the idea of having a voluntary community yard sale but no one volunteered to head this up and get it going.
  8. Welcome Committee- Beth Beattie heading this up. She could not be at meeting but consensus is she is doing a good job.
  9. Yard of the Month- Gloria Bell and Gewel Beard will do this.
  10. Budget for 2005- presently working on this.
  11. Entrance signs- looking for volunteers to help Robert with this.                                                                          
  12. New Business-

For the next meeting the Fire Dist. # 1 has been invited to attend the meeting.

Rick Williamson gave a brief summary of the Strategic Planning Meeting on 3/23. He stated that Kevin Davis unveiled a 10yr. Plan for the Parrish.

As part of the long-range plan the parish is developing wastewater treatment districts. Within these districts, all residences will connect to a central sewage treatment facility. If anyone wants details they can check the Parrish-sponsored  website:


Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm


Minutes by Gewel Beard