French Branch Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes


Date: May 27, 2004

Time: __7pm______________

Location: _Grace Memorial Baptist Church



Officers Presiding: Robert Broome-President, Ann Smith-Co-President,

Gewel Beard-Secretary, Dave Mannella- Vice President

Darlene Brennan- Treasurer (absent)


Homeowners Present: _14_  (see attached attendance sheet)(count does not include officers)

Agenda for meeting as follows (see attached sheet)

Call to Order: Robert Broome called the meeting to order and started meeting with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes from March were not available therefore approval waived.


Gewel Beard read Treasurer’s report in Darlene’s absence.  As of May 14, 2004 a total of 203 homeowners have paid their dues. (Represents a total of 65.7% of all homeowners) Bank balance at the end of April 2004 was $15,871.41 (See copy of treasurer report for all figures). Treasurer’s report was approved.


See attached agenda:


·        Retention Pond- Robert has had some calls about the retention pond. Asked if             anyone has any memory of any type of problems, etc several years ago. If so asked that they see him after the meeting. No new information to report. One of the homeowners stated that the pipes have never changed to his knowledge. There are concerns about the pond, i.e.: dead animals found- cause of death may have been the algae built up in pond. Robert will be checking into this.

·        Meeting with St. Tammany Parish- the meeting concerning drainage issue that was discussed in the last HO Meeting is being tentatively scheduled.

Three possible dates- June 7, 10, 17- the meeting will be during the day at Hwy 59 offices. Anyone who would like to attend should contact Robert.

Dave Grave son asked about a meeting concerning Park N Ride. Robert has no information about this but will check with the Parrish.

·        Budget- Copies were passed out of the Operational Budget that the board established at last board meeting. Robert stated to keep in mind that the decorations will be added back in, probably at a lesser amount.

Robert also stated that he would be contacting several other maintenance companies for pricing. D. Foster suggested we contact Mike Monte who lives in the neighborhood and does yard work.

Robert advised homeowners that the budget does not include money for new entrance signs.


·        New subdivision signs- we have sketches and plans to move forward with new entrance signs. Robert explained that we would have to put them in one by one as association has money available. At present we know we have enough for first sign. The first sign will be at Rue Acadian and Military Rd. The homeowner is allowing up to incorporate sign on her land. Ann Smith showed drawings and surveys and explained locations and design. She is presently working to get estimates for construction.


·        Homeowners Dues- Robert informed homeowners that the board has voted to raise the homeowner’s dues to $50.00 per year. (This will start next year)

One half of this amount per year will cover normal operating expenses and then the other half would go toward improvements in French Branch.


·        By Laws-Robert discussed by laws that were adopted at the board meeting in

May. He will put these on the website.


·        ARC updates- Art Bell will now serve on this committee. It was discussed what the ARC does in trying to keep covenants enforced. He explained the progress of some of the problem and actions that have resulted in the letters that have been sent to homeowners in violation of the covenants. He also explained that we were in a position to bring suit against homeowners that do not follow covenants.


·        Robert gave the School Board Report.


On the agenda was Changes to Articles of Incorporation but this could not be done since we did not have a quorum at the meeting.


One of the homeowners asked about the status of the Walmart committee’s request to consult with an attorney that was discussed in the last homeowners meeting. Dave Graveson reported that they met with lawyer on May 24. They gave him all of their documents, etc. He will study them and have a report, which he would be willing to go over at a future homeowners meeting. Debbie Foster briefly reported about the latest traffic counts but there are no conclusions at this time.


A homeowner asked about someone contacting Sterling Oaks and Breckenridge subdivision about problems with kids from those areas pushing logs into drainage ditch behind his property. Robert will try to contact the proper person at both of the subdivisions and let them know of the problem.


Meeting adjourned.


Minutes by Gewel Beard